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Data-Driven Embroidery Workshop
Jan/09 Tue 12:00PM–01:30PM
Jan/30 Tue 12:00PM–01:30PM

Do you have a favorite molecule? A complex graph that you’re proud of? A PSET data visualization that took you hours that you want to commemorate through fiber art? A prevailing statistic that drives you? Of course you do!

Learn how to embroider this IAP! You will learn basic embroidery skills, how to sketch your data visualization by hand, and how to embroider overtop of your sketch. All supplies needed to bring your data visualization to a colorful, tangible take-away will be provided. You just bring your favorite data visualization. This workshop is for beginners - you do not need any previous experience with drawing, embroidery, or any fiber art. 

  • Date: Tuesday, January 9th 12-1:30pm | Location: W20 429
  • Date: Tuesday, January 30th 12-1:30pm | Location: W20 429

Workshops are at capacity, but add yourself to the waitlist here: https://airtable.com/appjCzwPRtUOVNrVV/pagt1KbR1OsOUM0bC/form

All supplies are included. Seats are limited -- you will receive a confirmation if you have a seat in the workshop!

Glass & Metal Lamp Making Class (Multi-day class)
Jan/15 Mon 05:00PM–09:00PM
Jan/16 Tue 05:00PM–09:00PM
Jan/17 Wed 05:00PM–09:00PM
Jan/18 Thu 05:00PM–09:00PM
Jan/19 Fri 05:00PM–09:00PM
Jan/20 Sat 10:00AM–03:00PM
Jan/21 Sun 10:00AM–03:00PM
Jan/22 Mon 10:00AM–03:00PM

Glass & Metal Lamp Making Class

IAP Term 2024

Beginners encouraged!


Course Instructor: Cat Arase, carase@mit.edu 

Times & Dates: January 15-21, 2024

Session 1: M-F 5-7pm Saturday & Sunday 10am-3pm

Session 2: M-F 7-9pm, Saturday & Sunday 10am-3pm

Prerequisites: None! No experience is required. Beginners are highly encouraged

Credit: This class is not for credit and there will be no grading

To enter the lottery, please fill out this form by end of day 12/20/23: https://forms.gle/kW8RRCpLxpk2wXHp9 

I have found that there are many people who want to make things, but struggle to go from making small trinkets to larger scale projects that look finished, especially when those projects aim to integrate multiple components or processes. I intend to teach Illustrator, the plasma cutter, the spot welder, and glass cutting. Everyone will create their own design and their own lamp using sheet metal and stained glass sheets. The class is free and all materials will be purchased beforehand.

I plan to take 8 students and run two sessions (in the same week). The class will last one week of IAP. Last year a similar class I ran was overenrolled, so you must be able to attend every day of the class. Extra work outside of class hours may be needed for the design portion of the class dependending on design complexity. I will do my best to finalize the class list by 12/22/23 and will send an email to everyone to let them know who is in the class.


Glass & Metal Lamp Making Class (Multi-day class)
Jan/15 Mon 05:00PM–07:00PM
Jan/16 Tue 05:00PM–07:00PM
Jan/17 Wed 05:00PM–07:00PM
Jan/18 Thu 05:00PM–07:00PM
Jan/19 Fri 05:00PM–07:00PM
Jan/20 Sat 10:00AM–03:00PM
Jan/21 Sun 10:00AM–03:00PM

Beginners encouraged!


Course Instructor: Cat Arase, carase@mit.edu 

Times & Dates: January 15-21, 2024

Session 1: M-F 5-7pm Saturday & Sunday 10am-3pm

Session 2: M-F 7-9pm, Saturday & Sunday 10am-3pm

Prerequisites: None! No experience is required. Beginners are highly encouraged!

Credit: This class is not for credit and there will be no grading

To enter the lottery, please fill out this form by end of day 12/20/23: https://forms.gle/kW8RRCpLxpk2wXHp9 

I have found that there are many people who want to make things, but struggle to go from making small trinkets to larger scale projects that look finished, especially when those projects aim to integrate multiple components or processes. I intend to teach Illustrator, the plasma cutter, the spot welder, and glass cutting. Everyone will create their own design and their own lamp using sheet metal and stained glass sheets. The class is free and all materials will be purchased beforehand.

I plan to take 8 students and run two sessions (in the same week). The class will last one week of IAP. Last year a similar class I ran was overenrolled, so you must be able to attend every day of the class. Extra work outside of class hours may be needed for the design portion of the class dependending on design complexity. I will do my best to finalize the class list by 12/22/23 and will send an email to everyone to let them know who is in the class.


Note: I ran the MIG welded lamp class and LED sign class last IAP. This class is a similar format and aims to teach similar skills.

Haystack IAP Tour 2024
Jan/25 Thu 01:00PM–04:00PM

Interested in radio astronomy, space weather, and/or how our planet changes beneath your feet? Come out for a tour of MIT’s world-class radio facility, Haystack Observatory! We will showcase our giant radio antennas, which range up to 224 feet wide, and talk about studying the universe and our very own planet (black holes, stars, the sun, quasars, magnetospheres, ionospheres, plate tectonics, and more) using radio waves.

We will also describe our research opportunities for MIT students, including UROP positions.

This event will include transportation from a campus location (to be shared shortly with registrants) out to the MIT Haystack Observatory campus in Westford, Massachusetts—we’ll provide snacks and scientists to talk to, and we’ll take you on a tour of our radio telescopes. The shuttle will leave at noon on Thursday, 1/25, arriving at Haystack around 1:00pm, and students will return on the shuttle from Haystack after the event ends at 4:00pm (estimated return time is 5:00pm).

No prerequisites. Registration is required please register here. Email haystack-iap@mit.edu with questions. This IAP event is for MIT students, staff, faculty, and the MIT community.

IAP Grad Blog Workshop
Jan/17 Wed 11:00AM–01:00PM

The MIT Graduate Admissions Blog is excited to announce its upcoming IAP workshop on blog writing. In brief,

  • Attend a 2-day blogging workshop: January 17th and 19th, 11am-1pm.
  • Write one blog submission
  • Earn $100 upon completion of post
  • Continue writing for the blog and earn $100 per piece
  • Your work will be eligible for publication on the blog (check it out!)

If you are a current MIT graduate student and would like to participate, fill out this application by end of day January 3rd. You must be available for both sessions.

This hands-on workshop will train you how to write an enticing blog post, with individualized feedback from communication staff from across the institute. The workshop will help MIT grads develop content for the Graduate Admissions Blog, in order to provide prospective students with diverse perspectives on what being a student here is like (in the lab and beyond!).

IAP course: Gita in Nutshell
Jan/16 Tue 05:00PM–06:00PM
Jan/17 Wed 05:00PM–06:00PM
Jan/18 Thu 05:00PM–06:00PM
Jan/19 Fri 05:00PM–06:00PM

Embark seamlessly on a transformative journey with the Bhagavad Gita, the crown jewel of Vedic wisdom. In this revered spiritual text, a divine conversation unfolds between  Sri Krishna and his devotee prince Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where doubt and moral dilemma shroud Arjuna's mind just before the epic war. This crash course offers more than a mere exploration of ancient verses; it promises a transformative experience. Dive into the spiritual science of the Gita through engaging presentations, discussions, and skits, covering crucial aspects like soul, super soul, time, nature, and karma. Your journey culminates in a one-day retreat on January 20th, surrounded by nature's serenity. Immerse yourself in interactive activities to absorb the teachings, with details for this enchanting culmination unveiled during our sessions. 

Key features:

  • Demystifying ancient wisdom.
  • Big bang or Big brain.
  • Cracking Karma.
  • Magic of mantras.
  • Do we live more than once?
  • Rising beyond temptations.
  • Reincarnation: Fact or fiction.
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?

About the speakers: HG Radheshyam Das and HG Acharya Ratna Das, esteemed Vedic Scholars and monks rooted in elite engineering backgrounds. Particularly the gold medalist from IIT Bombay (one of the India's elite college), their three-decade-long monkhood seamlessly blends science and spirituality. Join us to unlock the secrets of the Bhagavad Gita where ancient wisdom meets modern understanding.

**To sweeten the deal, a delectable vegetarian meal will be served at the end of every session, ensuring you have the best experience on your journey !!!


Introduction to Weaving with recycled clothing
Jan/22 Mon 10:00AM–02:30PM
Jan/23 Tue 10:00AM–02:30PM
Jan/24 Wed 10:00AM–02:30PM
Jan/25 Thu 10:00AM–02:30PM
Jan/26 Fri 10:00AM–02:30PM

The Jacquard Loom was the first computer - get your hands involved in the original binary system and learn to weave! In this class we will set up a 4 shaft floor loom and collectively turn our old clothes into a rag rug to be raffled off to students in the class. Simultaneously each student will work on their own weaving project using a laser cut lap loom. We will explore a few basic patterns, play with color and materials and explore this fundamental texile process together. 

Interested in joining the class? Please fill out this google form. I'll run a lottery and draw names on 1/15 if interest exceeds capcity. 


Legal Basics in AI & Software Ventures
Jan/24 Wed 03:00PM
MIT in 3:00 >> IAP Guerrilla Filmmaking Workshop
Jan/09 Tue 02:00PM–07:00PM
Jan/11 Thu 02:00PM–07:00PM

Interested in submitting a short video for the "MIT in 3:00" competition, but want to learn more about DIY cinematography? Join MIT CAST Visiting Artist / Visiting Scholar Alberto Angelini (pka Albert Figurt) for a 2-session workshop about the art & craft of guerrilla filmmaking! 

On January 9 we will focus on camerawork (frame composition, point-of-view strategies, basic lightning & sound recording), so that you can start thinking in purely audiovisual terms and arrange your storytelling skills around the very language of moving images.

On January 11 we will dive into the magic of movie editing, exploring the practice of effectively "frankensteining" [read: remixing 'n' reinventing] the very footage you previously captured on the non-linear digital cutting table. 

Bring your own laptop with Premiere Pro installed

Open to the entire MIT Community. 

Limited to 18 participants. 


Register here

If registration is closed, email mitin3@mit.edu to be added to the waitlist. 

- - -


Tuesday, January 9 & Thursday, January 11, 2pm-7pm 
iHQ 3rd Floor (Building E38)
Register: https://forms.gle/uyFX9q3sWpmQ8bJE6

About the Competition

Inspired by Antje Ehmann’s and Harun Farocki’s world-wide video project “Labour in a Single Shot,” which explored the subject of work through short video clips, MIT in 3:00 asks competitors — What is your MIT? And can you show it in 3 minutes?

About the Instructor

Alberto Angelini (pka Albert Figurt) is an Italian videomaker, musician and independent researcher. Since 2005 he has worked as a director and screenwriter both for TV and documentaries, while also presenting video-art installations and experimental theatre pièces all over Europe. He has taught within several study abroad programs in Italy, organizing “Expanded Video Editing” and “DIY Guerrilla Filmmaking” seminars for American exchange students. Alberto is a visiting artist with the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST) and taught the practice-based course 21W.752 Making Documentary in Fall 2023. 

Machine & Music
Jan/08 Mon 07:00PM–08:00PM
Jan/22 Mon 07:00PM–08:00PM
Jan/29 Mon 07:00PM–08:00PM

The three-week course delves into advanced sound production techniques for creating music, utilizing a combination of physical materials and digital tools, including basic Arduino programming, Ableton Live, and miniAudicle software. Participants will explore innovative approaches to composition, with a focus on crafting new music, designing installations, and engaging with electronic music.

This is a virtual workshop and we will have a brief performance session in each class. If you want to join the performance, please bring your instruments and electronics.

This class is organized by Duhan Zhang & Piyawat Louilarpprasert. Please feel free to email with questions and accommodation needs.

Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/MjbmnhTJWhPq8FX9A

Free to public Zoom link: https://mit.zoom.us/j/95009123117,

Meeting ID: 950 0912 3117,

International Numbers: https://mit.zoom.us/u/acCAQ0uKeO, join by SIP: 95009123117@zoomcrc.com,

join by Skype for Business: https://mit.zoom.us/skype/95009123117”


Lesson 1:
Fundamental of Music, Inspiration from Machine to Sound and Digitalization 
- Musical Aesthetic in Music and Machine, a brief history
- Creating sound through Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), using Audacity (free software)
Lesson 2: 
Sound Art, Coding and Music
- rethinking sound, making composition
- creating music with numbers and codes, using mini Audicle chuck (free software)
Lesson 3: 
Integration, Multimedia, and Discussion on Sound Installation
- presentation on a new mechanical installation
- collaboration and between composers, engineers, and visual artists
- round table discussion and performance/demonstration

Non-Credit IAP 2024: Rubik's Cube 101
Jan/10 Wed 09:00AM–11:00AM
Jan/17 Wed 09:00AM–11:00AM
Jan/24 Wed 09:00AM–11:00AM

Learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube and receive a FREE RUBIK'S CUBE!

1/10: Beginner's method

1/17: CFOP method

1/24: Commutators

1/31: Blindfolded solving

Seats are limited to 20 people and registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.

Attendees are expected to participate in all four days.

Not so easy, easy Raja Yoga: Three Algorithms
Jan/12 Fri 05:00PM–06:30PM

Three algorithms from Raja Yoga for Reviving the Self and the World

The purpose of ‘yoga’ based on its origins is self-realization leading to material and spiritual upliftment of humanity. How does one apply that in practical life in a modern-day context, beyond just physical postures? How can one revive the self using resources from within using the Raja Yoga method? How to master the mind? How to not be limited by external labels of gender, nationality, religion etc.? How can one have a more beneficial relationship with nature and environment?

The session will cover three mental algorithms to demonstrate how the practice of “Raja Yoga” is a means of individual empowerment to become an agent of benefit for the world. The process empowers one with tools of self-dignity and an attitude of giving and uplifting, rather than just taking advantage of people, resources, or nature for one’s profit. This naturally leads to inner happiness, wellness  and external benefit.

Come invest in yourself with yoga for the mind!

  • Learn tools to revive the self towards wellness using resources from within

  • Become a more conscious agent of benefit for the world in your own way

Format: Interactive - Time distributed for theory, introspective portions to create insights and meaning for the self to apply in practical life, and q&a.

About the speakers:

Sudarshan Sundar is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Corporation by profession at New England Research & Development (NERD) center in Cambridge, MA. Born in India, he grew up in Singapore and moved to the United States in 1999. Sudarshan has practiced Raja Yoga since 2002. He loves the positivity, purpose, and joy that the integration of Raja Yoga awareness brings into daily life. He helped start and co-coordinated the activities of Inner Space Meditation Center and Gallery in Harvard Square from 2012 to 2020. Sudarshan also presented at a Harvard Divinity School conference in 2023. Sudarshan is also a graduate of the LeaderShape institute.

Vandana Sareen, a master's graduate of MIT's Urban Planning program in 2000, is an urban planner by profession. She manages affordable housing real estate development projects for Just-A-Start Corporation, a Cambridge-based non-profit. She has lived and worked in India, West Africa, and the USA. She has been practicing Raja Yoga meditation since 2004. She is a 200Hr certified yoga instructor as well as a WELL Building Certified professional. She has helped design, plan, and co-facilitated workshops and mini retreats as a volunteer locally as well as at the Peace Village Catskills Retreat Center in New York. She aims to be an easy yogi and enjoys striking a natural wellness and balance with all things Yoga.


Sustainable Fashion Design IAP Workshop
Jan/08 Mon 04:00PM–06:00PM
Jan/12 Fri 04:00PM–06:00PM
Jan/16 Tue 04:00PM–06:00PM
Jan/19 Fri 11:30AM–02:30PM

Explore art and science through creative upcycling of garments and fabrics using botanical dyes and/or eco friendly methods of print transfer.

We will have invited speakers, short talks and/or demos to spark your imagination and ample time for you to explore composition, ideas and technical skills to make your own art, bespoke keepsakes, and to refresh your wardrobe with sustainable practices.

This class is organized by SaRa Kim & Duhan Zhang. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need accommodations.

RSVP here: https://forms.gle/bvjzRT8YLd6SWZ7AA

Tablesaw Fundamentals
Jan/09 Tue 01:00PM–04:00PM
Jan/10 Wed 01:00PM–04:00PM
Jan/11 Thu 01:00PM–04:00PM

Learn how to safely use a table saw and leave with a small box of your own design. You must be able to attend all 4 sessions. I will hold a lottery for interested students, please fill out this google form to apply for a spot. Names will be drawn on 12/15. https://forms.gle/Jpnipq2jT1HznTH37