MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research

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A hands-on introduction to very simple GPU programming in Python
Jan/16 Tue 02:00PM–03:00PM

In this session, we will learn the basics of graphics processing unit (GPU) architecture, and how to exploit these powerful computational tools to accelerate mathematical manipulations of large arrays by orders of magnitude compared to what is possible on CPUs. This exercise will be conducted entirely in python, and will also introduce the audience to using the new A100 GPU nodes on Engaging available to all of MKI. The only prerequisite for the workshop for those who want to follow along with the interactive demo is the ability to ssh into the Engaging cluster, and a text editor for writing code. The level of coding will be simple, such that anyone familiar with numpy and basic matrix algebra (e.g. how to multiply a matrix) will be able to comfortably follow the lesson. By the end of the lesson, we will have implemented the Lomb-Scargle algorithm on a GPU from scratch.

Aladin, Topcat, Vizier, Simbad, and other powerful tools for finding gems in big astronomical datasets
Jan/17 Wed 11:00AM–12:00PM

In this lesson, I will introduce some of my favorite tools for sifting through large datasets to discover rare and interesting objects. We will explore performing large-scale cross matches of datasets like Gaia, Pan-STARRs, the Chandra Source catalog, etc, using Topcat, selecting candidates from this, and inspecting them using tools like Aladin, Vizier, and Simbad. I will emphasize tips and tricks, as well as the bells and whistles of some of these programs that I have picked up by using them on a daily basis over the years. 

Pre-requesite: To follow along with the lesson, please bring along a laptop with an internet connection, and ideally download and install Topcat ahead of time (Mac users, please use the curl command): Optionally, attendees are encouraged to also download Aladin desktop if they want to see capabilities beyond what the web interface is capable of (e.g., displaying Hubble and JWST images, etc):

Amateur astronomy: Telescopes and accessories
Jan/23 Tue 01:00PM–02:00PM

So you want to buy a telescope.

Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need to spend big bucks for a personal telescope.  Depending on what you want to do with it, your

entire setup could cost you less than $300 and provide you with many years of enjoyment.

In this session, we’ll focus on equipment for beginner and intermediate users.  We’ll go over the pros and cons of different telescope designs.

Finally, we’ll discuss uses including basic skywatching, solar observing, and even astrophotography.

An insider's guide to observing with WINTER
Jan/19 Fri 02:30PM–03:30PM

The Wide-field Infrared Transient ExploreR (WINTER) is a recently commissioned infrared time-domain astronomy instrument developed at the MIT Kavli Institute (MKI). In January 2024 WINTER is moving into full-time science survey operating mode, after a 6-month commissioning period dedicated to characterizing and optimizing the performance of the infrared camera and telescope platform.

As the observatory switches to science operations, 15% of WINTER’s observing time is allocated to open proposals within MIT. In this workshop, we will prepare potential interested users of the WINTER telescope to propose for observing time from MIT’s allocated general observing time. This workshop will be led by members of the MKI instrument team, and is targeted at members of the MKI and broader MIT community interested in potentially observing with WINTER or just interested to learn more about this new facility.

In the first half hour of the session, we will describe in detail the capabilities, status, and survey strategy of the WINTER observatory. The second half hour will be dedicated to a detailed walkthrough of the proposal process. Participants who would like to practice submitting a demo proposal should bring their laptops for hands-on Q&A with the WINTER team.

Anatomy of a cyclops — building an all-seeing 'Eye of Sauron' for a giant telescope that peers into the cosmos
Jan/19 Fri 02:00PM–03:00PM

At the MIT Kavli Institute a group of researchers, engineers, technicians, and students are working on a wide variety of astronomical instruments, for both ground- and space-based observatories. Currently our largest project underway is an Integral Field Spectrograph, or IFS, for the 6.5m Magellan telescope located in the Atacama region of Chile. We are creating something like a high-resolution retina, an optical nerve bundle and a processing brain for this giant 6.5m eye fixed on the sky. Comprising 2,400 fibers feeding 24 sensitive digital cameras, it enables astronomers to study not just a few objects in detail with conventional spectrographs, but also detailed observations of anything and everything that falls on this “retina”. Years of prototype development and planning preceded the development and build phase that started in 2018, and scheduled to be completed this spring. Come and visit our labs so we can show you the intricate design and challenges of this very special eye to the universe.

Generating interactive figures and displays for publications and websites
Jan/30 Tue 01:30PM–03:00PM

This is a hands-on activity. Bring your laptop and a dataset of your choice, and leave with one (or more) interactive figures ready to submit with your next ApJ article. 

Astronomers have long used static figures and more recently movies in publications. However, in recent years, more and more journals allow interactive figures as electronic material which allow the reader to zoom, pan, click on objects in the scatter plot for more information, rotate 3D displays etc. This enables the reader to explore, be more engaged, and understand data better - hopefully leading to more citations!

Also, the same animations and interactive figures can be used on your own website, in talks, or to share with collaborators so they can easily zoom into a lightcurve, bin up a spectrum etc. 

With the right plotting packages, making an interactive figure is no more complicated than making a pdf or png; I start off by showing a few examples in Python that I have personally used before (mpld3, bokeh, x3d) and then we'll hack and make figures together. Bring your laptop and a dataset (table, image, catalog, etc.) yjsy you want to visualize and we'll brainstorm if an interactive display is useful and what information it can add for the reader. If you've made a visualization like this before, bring it and teach us how!

A few examples: 

- Optical design of the the Arcus satellite:

- Chen et al. (click on "start interaction"): - I've made very similar plots with the same plotting package that they used myself, but my paper is still under review, so I don't have a link to share.

- Tully et al. (click on "start interaction"): - This one looks cool!

Sign-up is not required, but recommended (email so I can send you installation instructions for packages we might use beforehand.

Generating interactive figures and displays for publications/websites
Jan/30 Tue 01:30PM–03:00PM

This is a hands-on activity. Bring your laptop and a dataset of your choice, and leave with one (or more) interactive figures ready to submit with your next ApJ article.

Astronomers have long used static figures and more recently movies in publications. However, in recent years, more and more journals allow interactive figures as electronic material which allow the reader to zoom, pan, click on objects in the scatter plot for more information, rotate 3D displays etc. This gives the reader of your article a way to explore more of the data you show, be more engaged, and understand your points better – hopefully leading to more citations!

Also, the same animations and interactive figures can be used on your own website, in talks, or to share with collaborators so they can easily zoom into a lightcurve, bin up a spectrum etc.

With the right plotting packages, making an interactive figure is no more complicated than making a pdf or png; I start off by showing a few examples in Python that I have personally used before (mpld3, bokeh, x3d) for those new to making interactive figures and then we’ll hack and make figures together. Bring your laptop and a dataset (table, image, catalog, …) you want to visualize and we’ll brainstorm if an interactive display is useful and what information it can add for the reader. If you’ve made a visualization like that before, bring it and teach us how!

A few example of how this might look like:

– Optical design of the the Arcus satellite:

– Chen et al. (click on “start interaction”): – I’ve made very similar plots with the same plotting package that they used myself, but my paper is still under review, so I don’t have link to share.

– Tully et al. (click on “start interaction”): – This one looks cool!

Sign-up is not required, but recommended. Send me an email so I can send you installation instructions for some packages we might use beforehand.

How Stars are Born
Jan/18 Thu 12:45PM–01:15PM

This short talk it intended for non-astronomers who are interested in learning how stars form and how astronomical research is actually done in practice.

While our Sun is almost 5 billion years old, stars still form in the the dark clouds of our Milky Way. When we observe those regions we can learn how star and planet formation works, so that we also understand the formation of our own solar system and the Earth better.

I will describe how we observe those regions that are hidden to the naked eye using infrared and X-ray telescopes to obtain stunning images of stellar nurseries. Zooming in on just a few of the young stars, I show how a gas cloud collapses to form a hot gas core that is the birth place of another sun and possibly a few planets. This is the stage of star formation where I concentrate my own research and I will describe how professional astronomers gain access to space telescopes, share my experiences of how to use the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) for my observations of young stars and I will show an example of how we process the observations to extract scientific conclusions. 

Star formation is a very active area of research with many mysteries to solve and certainly one of the areas in astronomy that  delivers extremely beautiful images of the Milky Way that surrounds us.

LIGO - Listening to black holes
Jan/18 Thu 01:00PM–02:00PM

LIGO consists of two 2.5 miles interferometers (similar to what is used to read bar codes at the supermarket, only bigger) which can detect the signal from merging black holes and neutron stars. After traveling for billions of years these signals reach Earth and move the LIGO mirrors by less then 1/10,000ths of the diameter of a proton. The detection of these signals allows LIGO to test the fundamental laws of physics and probe the history of the universe.

The MIT facility is used to test and prototype the full scale LIGO equipment before they are installed in the observatories.

Roman warships in experiment: Reconstruction and sailing tests
Jan/18 Thu 12:00PM–12:30PM

After the climax of its power, internal struggle weakened the military position of the Roman Empire. A series of attacks in the 2nd and 3rd century AD forced an adjustment of the military strategy in central Europe. Instead of further expansion, the borders of the empire were increasingly fortified. In Germany this led to the construction of an impressive naval fleet on the rivers Rhine and Danube. Several of the boats have been excavated and our team has attempted a detailed reconstruction of two types of vessel, the "navis lusoria" and the "Oberstimm", down to the hand-forged nails and matching metallurgy. A series of three working boats have been built in original size over the last decade. I will show pictures of the reconstruction phase and the on-the-water tests we performed with different teams over the years to assess speed, maneuverability and sailing performance of the boats. The sailing performance far exceeded the expectations indicating a much larger operating radius for these vessels than previously estimated and thus a much higher flexibility of the river defense scheme that the empire relied on to keep the barbarians at bay. See this movie

Searching for planets around distant stars
Jan/24 Wed 04:00PM–05:00PM

TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is monitoring hundreds of thousands stars, searching for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. Launched in 2018, this first-ever spaceborne all-sky transit survey has identified over 7000 planet candidates covering a wide range of sizes and orbital parameters. TESS has four identical, highly optimized, red-sensitive, wide-field cameras that together can monitor a 24 degree by 90 degree strip of the sky. By monitoring each strip for 27 days and nights, TESS repeatedly tiles the sky, with each sector allowing a new set of exoplanet parameters to be surveyed. This tour will start with a visit to the science office for a project overview and a look at the techniques used to find planets. It will end with a visit to the instrument laboratory where the cameras are tested and developed.

Searching for planets around distant stars
Jan/24 Wed 04:00PM–05:00PM

TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is monitoring hundreds of thousands stars, searching for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. Launched in 2018, this first-ever spaceborne all-sky transit survey has identified over 7000 planet candidates covering a wide range of sizes and orbital parameters. TESS has four identical, highly optimized, red-sensitive, wide-field cameras that together can monitor a 24 degree by 90 degree strip of the sky. By monitoring each strip for 27 days and nights, TESS repeatedly tiles the sky, with each sector allowing a new set of exoplanet parameters to be surveyed. This tour will start with a visit to the science office for a project overview and a look at the techniques used to find planets. It will end with a visit to the instrument laboratory where the cameras are tested and developed.

Structure of astrophysical jets unraveled: Theory and supporting observations
Jan/16 Tue 03:00PM–04:00PM

The theoretical finding of plasma structures propagating away from disks associated with binary systems [1] has led to propose that an important class of the jets observed in astrophysics are the results of the emission of these structures. Double-helix structures were in fact identified, in one case, as a ersult of non-linear interactions of nodes excited in circumbinary disks sustained by pairs of stellar black holes [2]. The other considered case is that of a massive black hole paired with a much lighter ‘sheperd’ black home that is proposed to be relevant to an important class of observed jets.

According to the theory, the emitted plasma structures are associated with the fluctuations generated by the carving of a ‘swept torus’ [2] by the sheperd black hole in the plasma disk sustained by the main black hole. In fact, a following analysis of the observed M87 jet structure had concluded that this was of a double-helix kind [3]. More recent studies of other hets [4,5, & following papers] associated with massive black holes have identified helical or different plasma structures associated with them.

At a recent meeting of the A.P.S renewed laboratory observations involving two relevant facilities were found to be in support of the presented theory: long and lasting double-helix plasma structures have been systematically launched and produced far from chamber walls. A collaboration among major institutions, both in the US and abroad, is planned concerning this general area of research.

[1] B.Coppi, Invited Papers for the XVI Marcel Grossman Conference on Relatvistic Astrophysics (Session I), July 2021, and for the Asia Pacific Physical Societies Conference on Plasma Physics, (SA-118), October 2021.
[2] B.Coppi, Fundamental Pl. Phys., 100007 (2023).
[3] A.Pasetto et al., Ap J. Letters, 923:L5 (2021).
[4] G-Y.Zhao, Ap J., et al., 932, 732 (2022).
[5] I.Isscun. Ap J., et al., 934, 145 (2022).

X-ray polarimetry beamline
Jan/19 Fri 01:00PM–02:00PM

The MIT Soft X-ray Polarimetry Lab is used to develop new technologies for spaceflight missions. The centerpiece of our lab is the MIT Soft X-ray Polarimetry Beamline, a massive vacuum chamber that we use to create X-rays for experimentation and observe how those X-rays interact with the subsystems that we use to study distant astrophysical objects such as black holes and neutron stars. During this one hour tour, we will introduce you to the beamline and other tools that we use in our lab, and describe the work that we are doing on our current spaceflight mission, the REDSoX Polarimeter.