Aeronautics and Astronautics

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Broadening Impact through Effective STEM Outreach - IAP
Jan/22 Mon 02:30PM–03:30PM
Jan/24 Wed 02:30PM–03:30PM
Jan/29 Mon 02:30PM–03:30PM

Are you interested in sharing your research through NSF Broader Impacts or other outreach to youth or the general public? In this 4-part mini course, we will introduce and explore best practices for engaging non-technical audiences in technical research. Topics covered will include needs assessment, goal setting, building outreach activities, inclusive design, and evaluation. Students will have the opportunity to create their own outreach activities based on a research topic of their choice. Please sign up if you plan on attending.

Creating 3D Models for Communication, Education, and Outreach - IAP
Jan/10 Wed 01:30PM–03:30PM
Jan/17 Wed 01:30PM–03:30PM

Providing physical and tactile models, is a great way to both attract potential audiences to your research and to communicate key aspects of your research to your target audience. In this workshop, we will explore what makes for an effective tactile model, how to design a model for different contexts, and how to optimize a model for 3D printing. Participants will use CAD to protype 3D models. No prior experience with 3D modeling software or 3D printing is required. Please sign up if you plan on attending.

How to CAD almost anything!
Jan/15 Mon 10:00AM–12:00PM
Jan/17 Wed 10:00AM–12:00PM
Jan/19 Fri 10:00AM–12:00PM
Jan/22 Mon 10:00AM–12:00PM
Jan/24 Wed 10:00AM–12:00PM
Jan/26 Fri 10:00AM–12:00PM
Jan/29 Mon 10:00AM–12:00PM

Ever wondered how are objects from our daily lives designed? How can we generate a computer 3D model of a mug, a bottle of Diet Coke, or a Saturn V rocket? What about designing the blades of a jet-engine? A test dummy? How about making an animation of a LEGO house building itself? Or making a realistic render of a bowl of fruit? In this AeroAstro workshop, you will learn the skills to design all of these, and much more!

Designed for beginners and pro-user alike, this workshop is split into 9 2-hour long sessions, the first half of which will be spent learning new Solidworks skills (a computer-aided design software), the second half of which will see the application of these news skills through in-class activities, with a focus on reverse engineering. In contrast to traditional mechanical design courses, this workshop places greater emphasis on the design process itself, understanding how we can plan and best leverage our available tools to arrive to our desired result. Thus, the sessions are less about following the instructions on an engineering drawing, but about independent thinking and strategizing, reverse engineering an object into a 3D model.

Through the workshop’s 9 sessions, the goal is for the student to:

  • Have learned all the essential Solidworks skills, enough to be able to pass the industry-standard Mechanical Design CSWA exam.
  • Have built a comprehensive design portfolio, in the form of a presentation, to showcase all the different in-class projects and Solidworks skills mastered.
  • Feel that it can take any object and exclaim, “I know how to CAD this!”.


  • For more information about the workshop, check out its syllabus, website, or reach out to the instructor.
  • Please fill out the following form to express your interest on the workshop:
    • As of right now, capacity for both the morning and evening groups are at their limit. If you would like to join the workshop, please email the instructor ASAP.
  • The session on 01/15/24 actually takes place on 01/16/24, due to the MLK federal holiday. Please see the syllabus for more details.


  • Due to popular demand, the workshop will be split into two cohorts: morning (MWF, 10am-12pm) and afternoon (MWF, 3:30pm-5:30pm). All sessions will still take place in the Rotch library.
  • If you haven't already, please email the instructor with your preference of cohort (morning or afternoon).
The Future Professor’s Teaching Toolkit - IAP
Jan/08 Mon 10:00AM–11:00AM
Jan/10 Wed 10:00AM–11:00AM
Jan/17 Wed 10:00AM–11:00AM
Jan/22 Mon 10:00AM–11:00AM
Jan/24 Wed 10:00AM–11:00AM

Do you have a passion for teaching and working with students in a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field? Join this five-part overview series as we introduce and explore the key components in the design, implementation, and evaluation of effective and engaging classes. Topics include setting learning objectives, strategies for active learning, formative and summative assessment, and building an inclusive course and syllabus. Students will create their own lessons based upon a topic of their choice. Please sign up if you plan on attending.